Celebrating another year as a Chartered Linguist!

I am pleased to announce another year of growth and success at Baraka Certified Translations.

As my agency reached the milestone of nine years in business, I am today celebrating another year as a Chartered Institute of Linguists member.

As a serving member of the ITI, CIOL, A.N.I.T.I., NAJIT and IAPTI, with a rich personal translation industry spanning over 20 years, we have built a reputation of delivering high quality translation solutions.

We specialise in Certified Translations of official documents, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates, at extremely competitive rates.

Give us a call today, for all your translation needs.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL

Celebrating another year of ITI & NAJIT Membership



I am pleased to announce another year of growth and success at Baraka Certified Translations. As my agency reached the milestone of ten years in business, I am today celebrating another year as an ITI & NAJIT Member.

I would like to thank you for all your support. We have worked with lots of valued clients and we are continually investing in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), ensuring that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete, in accordance with the ITI’s Code of Professional Conduct.

Why Choose Us?

As a serving member of the ITI, CIOL, A.N.I.T.I. and IAPTI, with a rich personal translation industry spanning over 20 years, we have built a reputation of delivering high quality translation solutions. We specialise in Certified Translations of official documents, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates, at extremely competitive rates.

Give us a call today, for all your translation needs.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI
Certified Translator

Corso di traduzione medica (CPD)

Ho appena concluso il corso “La traduzione medica” presso STL e ne sono rimasta davvero molto soddisfatta.  

La docente, Silvia Barra, ha fornito una panoramica esaustiva sui principali tipi di testi medici, compresi i brevetti farmaceutici e i famigerati “bugiardini”.

La formazione professionale continua (CPD – Continuing Professional Development) è un obbligo deontologico per tutti i traduttori e interpreti, ed è svolta nell’interesse degli utenti dei nostri servizi professionali.

A Baraka Certified Translations, ci impegniamo a partecipare a diverse attività di CPD in varie lingue; i corsi, online o in presenza, sono sempre strutturati e accreditati, il che significa che sono stati sottoposti a una rigorosa revisione da parte degli enti organizzatori, per garantire la qualità del materiale formativo.

Perché scegliere Baraka?

In quanto socia  ITICIOLA.N.I.T.I. , NAJIT e IAPTI, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore delle traduzioni, tramite la mia agenzia con sede a Leicester, nel Regno Unito, offro il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo in assoluto.

Conosciamo e osserviamo l’importanza del rispetto dei tempi di consegna delle nostre traduzioni e servizi linguistici. Per questo non abbiamo mai disatteso le aspettative dei nostri clienti.

Siamo specializzati nelle traduzioni certificate di documenti ufficiali, e la nostra certificazione è accettata dalle autorità britanniche e dal Consolato.

Contattaci oggi, per un preventivo gratuito.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815 500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL

CPD Award Achieved for 2021/2022

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and is a critical tool. It enables translators, as well as other professionals, to engage in different methodologies to learning, such as training workshops, conferences and events, all focused to ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete.

I am proud to have completed the Institute of Translation and Interpreting annual Continuing Professional Development programme for the year 2021-2022.

I would like to thank all my clients and colleagues for their support.

Why Choose Us?

As a serving member of the ITICIOLA.N.I.T.I. , NAJIT and IAPTI, with a rich personal translation industry spanning over 20 years, we have built a reputation of delivering high quality translation solutions. We specialise in Certified Translations of official documents, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates, at extremely competitive rates.

Give us a call today, for all your translation needs.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815 500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL
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CPD Award Achieved for 2020/2021


I am proud to have completed the Institute of Translation and Interpreting annual Continuing Professional Development programme for this year.

I would like to thank all my clients for their support. We have worked with passion and we are continually investing in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), ensuring that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete.

Why Choose Us?

As a serving member of the ITICIOLA.N.I.T.I. , NAJIT and IAPTI, with a rich personal translation industry spanning over 20 years, we have built a reputation of delivering high quality translation solutions. We specialise in Certified Translations of official documents, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates, at extremely competitive rates.

Give us a call today, for all your translation needs.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815 500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL
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Katò Verified Translator at Translators without Borders (TWB).


I am pleased to announce that I am now a Katò Verified Translator for English to Italian, at Translators without Borders (TWB).

Translators without Borders (TWB) is a non-profit organization offering language and translation support for humanitarian and development agencies, and other non-profit organizations on a global scale. Translators without Borders facilitates the transfer of knowledge from one language to another by creating and managing a community of NGOs who need professional translators who volunteer their time to help.

As a Verified Translator, I work in accordance with the Translators without Borders Code of Conduct.

Knowledge saves lives!

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL
Certified Translator
Manager of Baraka Certified Translations 
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TWB mail

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Le nostre traduzioni sono accettate dal Consolato.

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Siamo felici di annunciare che da questo mese il nostro nominativo è anche nell’elenco dei traduttori ed interpreti del Consolato Italiano di Liverpool.

Siamo un’agenzia di traduzioni leader nel settore, riconosciuta per la competenza, qualità e tempestività nei servizi che offre, specializzata in traduzioni certificate di documenti ufficiali. Offriamo inoltre il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo in assoluto.

Essendo membro del CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists) di Londra, e Membro Associato dell’ITI (Institute of Translating and Interprenting), le nostre traduzioni certificate sono accettate, oltre che dai Consolati italiani, da Home Office, Councils, HMRC (Tax Credit), Università, NARIC, Uffici Benefits, e altri uffici nel Regno Unito e all’estero.

Rimaniamo, come sempre, a Vostra completa disposizione

Per qualsiasi vostra esigenza di traduzioni di testi o di documenti, non esitate a contattarci senza impegno, telefonicamente o per email. Saremo lieti di fornirvi un tempestivo preventivo gratuito e qualunque tipo di informazione e assistenza.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL, AITI
Traduttrice Certificata, Manager di Baraka Certified Translations
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