Celebrating another year as a Chartered Linguist!

I am pleased to announce another year of growth and success at Baraka Certified Translations.

As my agency reached the milestone of nine years in business, I am today celebrating another year as a Chartered Institute of Linguists member.

As a serving member of the ITI, CIOL, A.N.I.T.I., NAJIT and IAPTI, with a rich personal translation industry spanning over 20 years, we have built a reputation of delivering high quality translation solutions.

We specialise in Certified Translations of official documents, accepted by UK authorities, as well as Consulates, at extremely competitive rates.

Give us a call today, for all your translation needs.

E-mail: info@barakatranslations.com
Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL