Plant a Tree with Baraka this Ramadân!

Narrated Anas bin Malik (radiAllahu ‘anhu):

Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said, “There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him.”

Today we received this Reforestation Certificate from Tree-Nation, for planting our thousandth tree!

By planting trees, you help sequester emissions while providing co-benefits such as water filtration, shelter, food sources, poverty alleviation, community support and biodiversity.

At Baraka Certified Translations, in collaboration with tree planting projects across the world, we plant a tree for every certificate we will translate, on behalf of our clients ❤ 🌳

You can join us this Ramadân, by planting a tree in Baraka’s Forest!

By clicking this button, you can donate a tree today 🌳, for the price of a coffe ☕️

Do you need to translate your official documents? Call Baraka today!

Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL

152 Trees planted thanks to your donations!

These 152 trees have been planted in our Forest, with the amount collected by our Tree-Nation fundraising campaign! Thank you for all your donations! 💚

🌲🌳🌴 You can plant your own tree in Baraka‘s Forest:

FUNDRAISING: Plant your trees in Baraka’s Forest (From £5!)

We translate your documents & we plant a tree for every translation!

Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL

Net Zero Website for Baraka Translations!

At Baraka Certified Translations, we believe we must all work together to embrace sustainability. As part of our environmental responsibility policy, we undertake to plant a tree for each translation in the name of each client but also planting enough trees each month to offset all of our employee’s CO2. And, in collaboration with Tree-Nation, from this month all the CO2 emissions our website generates are being compensated.

Every year, a website releases several kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When a website is used, data is transferred to and processed in remote servers. The electricity consumed by these servers and by our computers accounts for 2% of the world’s air pollution, as much as the airline industry!

For this reason, Tree-Nation have developed the “Net Zero Website label”, a simple tool that can make any website CO2 neutral. Tree-Nation algorithm obtains an accurate estimation of the CO2 emissions of our website. Then, the system automatically calculates the trees that need to be planted to offset that amount and this information is transmitted to the planters along with the funds required to plant the trees.

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On the other hand, the Tree-Nation “Net Zero Team” service allows us to offset all the CO2 emissions of our company that are related to our team. The “Net Zero Team” service covers activities such as using electricity at work, food, small office material, short distance team travel, and occasional long-distance travels. Each month, the required amount of trees will be planted on behalf of our team.

This way, we aim to cover all your CO2 emissions of Baraka Certified Translations.

You are welcome to check the impact of Baraka’s Forest, and you can also participate to the reforestation project, by planting your own tree!

Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL

Let’s plant a forest together!

By planting trees you help sequester emissions while providing co-benefits such as water filtration, shelter, food sources, poverty alleviation, community support and biodiversity.

From January 2022, Baraka Certified Translations, in collaboration with tree planting projects across the world, will plant a tree for every Birth or Marriage certificate we will translate, on behalf of the child or the new couple respectively ❤

You are welcome to check the impact of Baraka’s Forest, and you can also participate to the reforestation project, by planting your own tree!

Tel: 0116 215 3392
Mob: 07815500826

Aisha Barbara Farina, BSc (Hons), BAIS, MCIL